1 review for IT Coding Preparation – C

01 Customer(s) recommended this item
July 18, 2022
The IT Coding Preparation – C course is a job-oriented course which helps you to learn the language and apply the concepts in solving coding problems which are typically asked in the coding tests of companies.
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The IT Coding Preparation – C course is a job-oriented course which helps you to learn the language and apply the concepts in solving coding problems which are typically asked in the coding tests of companies.
Course helps you to learn the language and prepare for the IT coding tests of companies
Prepares you to solve coding problems of various levels of difficulties in coding tests
Exposes you to many solved problems in the ppts and practice tests
Allows you to take the MCQ tests which are part of coding tests of companies
You get an exposure to more than 300 problems and questions for your preparation
A module on Data Structure and Algorithm is included along with the course
IT Coding Preparation – C
Sl. No. | Topic |
1. | Lesson 1 Introduction to C |
2. | Lesson 2 First C Program |
3. | Lesson 3 C Variables, Data Types, Keywords and Identifiers |
4. | Lesson 4 Operators |
5. | Lesson 5 Comments, Format Specifiers, Literals and Constants |
6. | Lesson 6 Programming Errors in C |
7. | Lesson 7 Conditionals Statement |
8. | Lesson 8 Ternary Operator and Switch Case |
9. | Lesson 9 Conditionals Statement MCQ Questions |
10. | Lesson 10 Loops |
11. | Lesson 11 Control Statements |
12. | Lesson 12 Control Statement MCQ Questions |
13. | Lesson 13 Functions |
14. | Lesson 14 Recursion |
15. | Lesson 15 Functions MCQ Questions |
16. | Lesson 16 Pointer |
17. | Lesson 17 Pointers MCQ |
18. | Lesson 18 Functions Call By Val vs Call By Ref |
19. | Lesson 19 Array |
20. | Lesson 20 Array MCQ Questions |
21. | Lesson 21 Passing Array to Function |
22. | Lesson 22 Pointer to Pointer |
23. | Lesson 23 -1 Searching Techniques |
24. | Lesson 24 -1 Sorting Techniques |
25. | Lesson 25 – 1 Dynamic Memory Allocation |
26. | Lesson 25 – 2 Dynamic Memory Allocation MCQ |
27. | Lesson 26 -1 Strings |
28. | Lesson 26 -2 Strings MCQ |
29. | Lesson 27 Structure |
30. | Lesson 28 Unions |
31. | Lesson 29 Union _ Structure MCQ |
32. | Lesson 30 File handling |
33. | Lesson 31 Preprocessor _ Macros |
34. | Lesson 32 Preprocessor _ Macros MCQ |
IT Coding DS
Sl. No. | Topics |
1. | Lesson 1 Introduction to DS |
2. | Lesson 2 DS Algorithm |
3. | Lesson 3 Asymptotic Analysis |
4. | Lesson 4 DS Array |
5. | Lesson 5 2D Array |
6. | Lesson 6 Stack |
7. | Lesson 7 Convert Infix to Postfix Notation |
8. | Lesson 8 Convert Infix to Prefix Notation |
9. | Lesson 9 Conversion of Prefix to Postfix |
10. | Lesson 10 Conversion of Postfix to Prefix |
11. | Lesson 11 Array Implementation of Stack and programs in C, C++, Java, Python Programming Languages |
12. | Lesson 11 Array Implementation of Stack |
13. | Lesson 13 Array Implementation of Queue Menu-driven program in C implementing all operations |
14. | PPT Lesson 13 Array Implementation of Queue |
15. | Lesson 14 Linked List |
16. | Code File Lesson 15 Linked List Operations Menu-driven program in C implementing all operations |
17. | Lesson 15 Singly Linked List |
18. | Code File Lesson 16 Doubly Linked List Menu-driven program in C implementing all operations |
19. | PPT Lesson 16 Doubly Linked List |
20. | Code File Lesson 17 Circular Linked List Menu-driven program in C implementing all operations |
21. | PPT Lesson 17 Circular Linked List |
22. | Code File Lesson 18 Circular Doubly Linked List Menu-driven program in C implementing all operations |
23. | PPT Lesson 18 Circular Doubly Linked List |
24. | Code File Lesson 20 Linked List Implementation of Queue Menu Driven program in C implementing all the Queue operations |
25. | PPT Lesson 20 Linked List Implementation of Queue |
26. | Code File Lesson 21 Circular Queue Implementation of circular queue Menu Driven using Linked List |
27. | PPT Lesson 21 Circular Queue |
28. | PPT Lesson 22 Tree |
29. | PPT Lesson 23 Binary Tree |
30. | PPT Lesson 24 Inorder traversal |
31. | PPT Lesson 25 Preorder traversal |
32. | PPT Lesson 26 Postorder traversal |
33. | PPT Lesson 27 Binary Search Tree |
34. | PPT Lesson 28 AVL Tree |
35. | PPT Lesson 29 B Tree |
36. | PPT Lesson 30 B+ Tree |
37. | PPT Lesson 31 Hashing |
38. | PPT Lesson 32 Linear Search |
39. | PPT Lesson 33 Binary Search |
40. | PPT Lesson 34 Bubble Sort |
41. | PPT Lesson 35 Selection Sort |
42. | PPT Lesson 36 Insertion Sort |
43. | PPT Lesson 37 Merge Sort |
44. | PPT Lesson 38 Heap Data Structure |
45. | PPT Lesson 40 Graph |
46. | PPT Lesson 41 Spanning Trees |
47. | PPT Lesson 42 Adjacency Matrix |
48. | PPT Lesson 43 Kosaraju_s Algorithm |
49. | PPT Lesson 44 Adjacency List |
50. | PPT Lesson 45 Depth First Search (DFS) |
51. | PPT Lesson 46 Breadth First Search (BFS) |
52. | PPT Lesson 47 Master Theorem |
53. | PPT Lesson 48 Divide and Conquer Algorithm |
54. | PPT Lesson 49 Greedy Algorithm |
55. | PPT Lesson 50 Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm |
56. | PPT Lesson 51 Dijkstra_s Algorithm |
57. | PPT Lesson 52 Kruskal_s Algorithm |
58. | PPT Lesson 53 Prim_s Algorithm |
59. | PPT Lesson 55 Dynamic Programming |
60. | PPT Lesson 56 Floyd-Warshall Algorithm |
The IT Coding Preparation in C is a course which will help you learn the language from basics and prepare you for the coding tests in recruitment exams for IT companies. The course has been designed by experts who have been conducting classes with students for many years. The problems have been taken from question papers of companies. The course consists of the following:
In total there are more than 300 coding problems and MCQ questions within the course. More problems and questions are getting added.
Note: Along with this course, it is recommended that you enroll for our Coding tests course which comes with 100 problems which you can solve on the Coding Editor. Click here
/5Based on 1 rating(s)
01 Customer(s) recommended this item
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Constellation Training & Placement Services started its journey in 2011. A group of corporate professionals and academicians from some of the finest institutes in the country namely, the IITs and IIMs came together to give shape to a vision.
Constellation Training & Placement Services
Plot No. 55, Michaelnagar,
Kolkata – 700133
+91 83368 07865